unafraid's Diaryland Diary


What's done is done

Well this whole Kevin situation is not going in the direction I planned. We haven't gotten the chance to be alone since then and every time I get the idea to invite him out for a drink or something by ourselves after work, he just leaves early. Kinda like he doesn't want to be put in that situation again. Very frustrating. I had given up on him and then he kisses me which makes me think this might actually go somewhere. But I think I was wrong. I think he did it just to placate me. And it kills me and drives me nuts!

I just need some other guy to get him out of my head. And my heart. I'm starting to get the feeling that he's not such a good guy after all and even knowing this doesn't stop me from wanting something more to happen with him. What is wrong with me?? It's just that we continue to flirt at work and it keeps giving me hope. Makes me think he might possibly want to kiss me again. Part of me thinks he does, but us working together just puts a damper on things. He hasn't talked about any girls he's seeing for the past couple of months or so, so I don't think that's it. I honestly think it's just because we work together. And it probably is the best idea not to get involved. If I wasn't emotionally invested like I am now it might have been ok. But I do have feelings for him. And if it were to go sour...work would suck having to see him everyday. I would be miserable. So it probably shouldn't go any further.

But that doesn't mean I don't want it to. Maybe it's time to back off and let it go. It's for the best, really. Just wish I had time to date. Or even meet people. But I work 60 hrs a week. My job has taken over my life. When do I have time to meet new guys? Never. As much as I love my job I just need something more. I want to go on dates and have first kisses and flirty texts. And sex. Oh god, I miss sex. Maybe if I stop thinking about it, it will happen. With someone way better than Kevin. A nice guy who treats women right. Ugh. I so want him out of my head now. I can't take this torture and teasing anymore.

10:56 am - Apr. 01, 2014


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